
Pranatherapy School


Wervel Wind in Damanhur A Week in Damanhur Pranatherapy School Damanhur Registration

Marijke Wijffels
Nieuwelaan 130
2611 SB Delft
The Netherlands

+31 (0)15-2130525
+31 (0)6-21885785

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"The Damanhur Temples are a demonstration of what can be realized
by the creativity of a human group animated by a common ideal."
Damanhur -- "The City of Light"


The Damanhur School for Healers offers a specially-designed program consisting of an annual 15-day intensive program for three successive years. During the first intensive program, students will receive their ACTIVIATION as {Pranahealers, which will allow them to deliver prana to their clients during the first year.

Since 1975, Olami Damanhur University has offered this three-year Pranatherapy course. The course is aimed at those who wish to explore the new research fields which utilise the potential of “Prana” in combination with Selfic instruments for therapeutic purposes. Damanhur has specifically created Selfic instruments as healing aids. In the past few years, development in this field of spiritual technology has created a new era for comprehending and advancing healing therapies.

This Pranatherapy course uses the therapeutic Halls of the Temples of Humankind along with the healing Cabins, Selfic instruments, the new generation of Spheroselfs, the Stiloself (subtle body acupuncture), and the Selfic Microline Tracer as aids in delivering pranatherapy. As Spiritual Healers, students will be able to work with these artistic and sensitive technologies. Students will learn to be balanced, receptive, and tuned into the frequencies of life—the Prana.

The Damanhur School for Spiritual Healers believes that life is a continuous flow through the physical form—a constant process of learning that leads to evolution. To evolve means to understand the intrinsic meaning of life, which, in turn, leads to healing. The Damanhur School of Pranatherapy guides people on an inner journey to develop ESP faculties. The transformation induced by the course through individual and group experiences promotes self-healing by opening up the channels of cosmic healing energies (Prana). The technical knowledge that has been collected over 25 years of experience forms a foundation for the healer to begin immediately to practice in the art of healing.

The Damanhur School for Healers is structured as a three-year course containing approximately 200 teaching hours and 600 working hours. Each level (or year) consists of 2 intensive residential weeks at Damanhur. The lessons start at 9:30 am and finish into the evening. Even though there is a timetable, the course ideally has no interruptions and lunch/dinner breaks are moments for further discussion and sometimes lessons.

At the end of each year’s second week, there is an evaluation of the students’ degree of preparation to allow their access to the next level. At the end of the third year, there are more precise examinations and a thesis must be submitted, usually within 3 months. The number of hours and length of the course have been carefully established in order to provide the best possible training. The course is structured as an European University short course.

The Course Program is as follows:

The first year’s study leads to the student’s ACTIVIATION, which symbolically represents a spiritual birth. The Healer’s path begins with a process of inner transformation. The Activation, which usually takes place at the end of the first week, is the central moment of this path of inner transformation. The whole program of studies and practical experiences is centered upon the moment of Activation. The Healer is able to acquire knowledge, extend the use of energies and become a channel for Prana. AFTER ACTIVATION, STUDENTS ARE ABLE TO WORK IN THE FIELD.

Having acquired some healing experience, Second Level Healers are recommended to undertake some individual therapy and to consider Prana as a basic element for personal inner growth. As this Second Level, the Healer can search for solutions to personal problems that might impede the free flow of energy and that might also impede the creation of a good relationship with the patient.

The important goal: HEALING MATURITY. The conscious use of energies, experience and the education of thought processes during the previous 2 years prepare the Healer for a profound entrance into the techniques of Pranatherapy. The level introduces new methods for working with hands as well as other healing systems.

After the degree, the school still remains a reference point for all who desire it. Weekends are organized for perfecting personal preparation and specializing in therapy and diagnostics. Healers are assisted in energetic discharging techniques and the comparison of different clinical experiences.

Group sessions are part of this course in order to prepare for the therapeutic, psychological, paramedical, legal, and philosophical aspect of being a Healer.

The director of the school is Orango Riso. He has been working as a pranatherapist since 1978 and has been living in Damanhur since 1977, the year of its foundation. As a consultant in the use of color therapy for the World Health Foundation, he has specialized in techniques for communication and sound– and color-therapy.

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